Our Blog

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June 27, 2024
Kitten pics

We've got a bunch more pics of the continuing growth of our tiny babies for you today. Here's a quick rundown of our ongoing storylines

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June 22, 2024
Meet the Bob's Burgers Gang

Meet the gang - they've all got names, and we're starting to get a sense of their personalitites. And they're also fucking beautiful

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June 13, 2024
Day 2 Feeding and Updates

On the morning of Day 2, I woke up to hear SCREAMING from the kitten room. MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW.............. MEWWOOOOWWWWWW? . . MEOW MEWO MEOW MEOW And so on and so forth. And so, after some investigation, I have updates to report. The little orange thing is the designated screamer. Nobody else even gets […]

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June 12, 2024
Bob's Burgers Bunch

Just got them and wanted to share pics of their adorable stupid little faces (and Andy's because SOMEBODY had to hold the little squirmers). More details (names, anybody?) coming soon, so watch this space

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February 4, 2024
New Foster Alert!

We've got new kitties! One is a hard-bitten escape criminal, one is a chillaxed fuzzball. Can you guess which is which?

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January 16, 2024
Miranda Bailey Appreciation Post

Here's a few pictures of our lovely lady, who hasn't gotten as much spotlight as she deserves

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October 31, 2023
Halloween 2023 - Mixed Results lol

Sooooo we got a cat costume this year for the first time in a while. It went.... fine. I mean, it was ok. Franklin won't let me touch him and Mina is hiding under a table in a wig. But it went fine. Everything is fine. It's fine.

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September 16, 2023
Bye Bye Jackson (now Fernando)

Jackson is in excellent hands now

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August 30, 2023
First Update: George (Now Lionel)

Lionel made a friend

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August 24, 2023
First Update: Meredith and Alex

Meredith and Alex are settling in to their new home, especially thanks to the attentive care from their new pet parents Emma and Anthony. They astounded us by buying THE EXACT SAME BROOM that we have to clean up their litter as a welcome-home gift! Anthony was watching the live kitten cam late at night […]

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Built by Andrew Collings